Monday, August 06, 2007


decisions were made and made known. hard evident of nonchalant attitude and behaviour proved there isnt much to hold back. many truths heard. many facts seen and felt. it just goes to show there is nth left to be said. though it true smwhat or rather that one should not expect anything dramatic from the other to prove anything cuz it may all be pretends and it will all be over in a split second without anyone realising it. and when it's over, can we once again say it's due to nonchalant mannerisms again?

many factors could have led to many things which happened. but it is worthless to look back and ponder abt wat caused them and how to salvage them. many a times, it's supposed to be putting in extra energy and efforts to brighten things up and make the whole scenerio less's smhow infuriating to know the truth and seeing the true real colours of one. though it's hard to swallow, it's better to get choked for once and learn to puke it out rather than getting choked and just sitting there without any actions like digging yr throat or rushing to the 'hospital'.

you dont know me just like i do not know you. many more ppl know me inside out by just a snap on the fingers but why then is it so exasperating for some?i wonder hard but can never find an agreement for it. so shall stop allowing my braincells to counter attack one another before it all die.

back to work. tedious indeed. answered a good load of 80calls which was double the norm.4 men down and the rest of us worked like whore.gonna need a damn good break to calm my senses.boys, pls get smthing done abt the hols, pls. i beg. thou shall be greatly appreciated and thanked for. help my poor soul.lost in the darkness of doom.pull me out from there and show me the light!

*i nid a brown and black pair of shoes and many flat bohemian sandals.gonna change my wardrobe to bohemian. let's hawaii!!!

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