Friday, July 27, 2007

it's better

it's better not to know anything than having to hear and listen to stuff you never in your life wanna know about or listen to but it's inevitable and unavoidable that smhow,smway you'll get to listen about it or know about it. and having been told to keep quiet and not probe about it when it's so tough to hide it and shut the fuck up makes it more difficult to just forget about it and not remember it.and everytime when it comes right in yr face, it's so hard not to be reminded about it and it all comes back to you again - having to pretend you dunno abt it and try hard not to talk about it.

so how? to know and ask abt it or just listen and forget abt it?but what are the consequences of asking about it and the bad feeling which will stay with you forever if you dont ask about it?arghh..tough decision to make and hope by the time a decision comes into place, everything dies down and everything will be forgotten.

but the point is here, why shd i make myself forget abt it and not face it? i dunno why. perhaps i just feel responsible for the r/s betwn everyone. so i shd just keep quiet. period.

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