Thursday, December 27, 2007

6th day's only the 6th day and i'm going nuts!!!! i wonder if it's the same feeling if smone else is away. gosh. hw am i going to survive another.................12 freaking days!?!?!?!?!?omgomgomg. so gonna die and of cuz..frank will be happy..cuz he can make fun of me! @&$@*#*

anyway...merry xmas to all..had a real gd time at the party on sat! we were ALL dressed up to match the theme. yes i mean ALL! even rong mei and mich!! they came as presents!!! was hilarious and i laughed till i had asthma attack and had to use the inhaler when i got hm! hahaha..insanity. we had lotsa food. turkey, pizza, macaroni cheese,potato salad coleslaw! we even had Tang Yuan made by Matt's mummy! hmm...nice...and i had a small Forever friends mirror with tiny drawers from Lionel the rubber man aka plain ginger bread man. here are some pics of our crazy time to share.

hmm..i wish nx yr's party will be a wilder one..maybe we can include our external friends or colleagues to join in the fun! i believe it'll be wilder!!!

nx up! new yr!!!!

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